social work female looking at camera


Work to improve lives 和社区 as a social worker.


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高级临床实践中的社会工作者依赖于情商技能, 沟通, 组织和解决问题, all combined with a desire to help individuals, 组, 和社区. They implement outreach programs to create social change that is inclusive and empowering for all. In the master's degree program in social work at the 加州 School of Professional 心理学 (CSPP), you'll gain the knowledge and develop the skills to enter this rewarding and meaningful social service career. You will learn the impact of social policy in shaping the future of this profession in your social work education.

If you have the desire for higher education, you can enter the master's in social work program with a bachelor's degree in any subject as long as it's from an accredited institution. An accredited online MSW program not only meets rigorous academic standards but also ensures that you receive a quality education, recognized and respected in the field.

在线城市生活垃圾的优点之一是它提供的灵活性. 要了解更多关于这个社会工作在线项目和其他产品,请访问我们的 CSPP-dedicated微博. You’ll find videos featuring our university president, CSPP院长, 和老师, along with numerous interactive features!






Our online program is designed for students to obtain a 社会工作硕士(MSW) degree in only two years. This program offers a convenient and adaptable learning environment that will assist you in achieving your objectives and improving your abilities.


Practicum education is an integral part of clinical practice. 我们是来帮你找一个适合你的临床实习的, even if it involves non-traditional hours. 你有权利选择最适合你的实习. 了解更多


Our thoughtfully crafted program focused on micro and macro elements will guide you toward desirable roles in your field, 为你提供追求职业成功所需的知识和技能. 

Real-life program for real-world professionals

Our work-life balance approach prioritizes student learning while accommodating personal obligations. 我们的导师就像你一样,在学术生活和专业工作之间保持平衡. 



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The degree curriculum is designed to train you for professional practice as a licensed social worker, 使用基于实践的培训. Your graduate certificate in MA social work online qualifies you to participate in any community practice. 城市生活垃圾学位的广泛课程在线结合了个人的直接实践, 家庭, 和组, and macro practice at the community and organizational levels. 社会正义, 人类行为, and the Social Environment are among the courses you will learn in this continuing education program.


  • Contributes to knowledge that advances professional social work practice using innovative deliveries and technologies
  • 教导都市固体废物学生运用文化能力的原则, 文化谦卑, 以及包容性意识,以帮助减少不平等和差距
  • 培训学生参与社区成员和合作伙伴,以确定社区需求, develop interventions and strategies for change, and promote community health and wellness

和许多其他CSPP项目一样, the graduate school masters in social work online is structured to be clinically focused with exam prep built into the courses. The online program is geared toward students who want to do clinical work as they prepare for licensure and a career in advanced social work practice. It integrates online classroom learning with real-world experiences in practicum settings to prepare graduates for the social welfare tasks and responsibilities of a professional clinical social worker.

程序 Learning Outcomes and Goals

  1. Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior
  2. Engage diversity and difference in practice
  3. 促进人权和社会、经济和环境正义
  4. 从事实践导向的研究和研究导向的实践
  5. 参与政策实践
  6. 与个人、家庭、团体、组织和社区接触
  7. 评估, 干预与, and evaluate practice with individuals, 家庭, 组, 组织, 和社区
  8. 干预个人、家庭、团体、组织和社区
  9. 评估个人、家庭、团体、组织和社区的实践


A diagram showing the steps for Council on 社会工作 教育 认证 for Masters of 社会工作 程序


Alliant Masters of 社会工作 program is conditionally accredited by the Council on 社会工作 教育’s (CSWE) Board of 认证 (BOA). 访问我们的 认证资源页面 有关我们社会工作认证状态的更多信息, 另外还可以找到一些常见问题的答案.





Students of the advanced standing masters in social work in 加州 who successfully complete the degree requirements for the program are eligible to apply for licensure through the Association of 社会工作 Boards (ASWB). ASWB is a nonprofit organization composed of the social work regulatory boards and colleges of all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. 维尔京群岛、关岛、北马里亚纳群岛和加拿大所有10个省. They are the only nonprofit organization dedicated to social work regulation to keep the highest standards in social service practice. Licensure requirements vary from state to state. 学生应该联系他们希望申请执照的州的执照委员会.




Completing this degree online can help equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to explore various clinical social work positions, 包括:

  • 专门为儿童、家庭和beat365手机版官方网站的社会工作者.
  • Social workers in the healthcare sectors
  • 精神健康、药物滥用和社会正义方面的社会工作者


  • General and surgical hospital facilities
  • 私人服务
  • 保险经办机构
  • Appointed posts of other healthcare professionals

Every career path may need additional experience, 培训, 除获得硕士学位以外的证书或其他因素. 



By earning an online master in social work degree, 你可以获得全面的技能来解决你的客户遇到的困难. This will equip you with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience to implement effective solutions in roles such as a school social work practitioner. As part of the social work online program, you'll participate in a field education internship to gain practical insights and enhance your abilities.


认证 ensures that the accredited online MSW program meets specific quality standards and prepares students for professional practice. It is the responsibility of the online student to verify an MSW online program's legitimacy and check that it aligns with industry standards.

What scholarship and financial aid options are available?

私立和公立奖学金可以帮助你支付教育费用, Alliant为我们的许多学生提供机构奖学金. 了解更多关于这些 奖学金的机会 在这里. 对于那些符合贷款条件的人,可以获得额外的经济援助, 奖助金, 联邦工作研究, 还有军事援助. 在我们的 财务选择指南.

Does this program lead to licensure?

Students successfully completing the degree requirements for this program will be eligible to apply for licensure through the Association of 社会工作 Boards (ASWB). 请注意,许可证要求因州而异, 所以学生应该联系他们想要申请执照的州的执照委员会.

When does the 社会工作硕士 degree program start?

该课程为期15周,夏季课程为期10周, 并且在每个注册期间都开放注册. 你可以找到我们的 校历 在这里.


学位课程是一个60学分的课程,至少需要两年的时间才能完成, 六个学期.


在Alliant, our mission is to prepare students for professional careers of service and leadership and to promote the discovery and application of knowledge to improve lives. We offer an education that is accredited, focused on practical knowledge and skills, connected with diverse faculty and alumni, and aimed at the student experience.



Founded in 1969, CSPP was one of the nation’s first independent schools of professional psychology. 今天, CSPP continues its commitment to preparing the next generation of mental health professionals through graduate-level degree programs in clinical psychology, 婚姻家庭治疗, 临床心理咨询, 组织心理学, 精神药理学, 和更多的.




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